logo_DROPIn Uganda’s official language, Luganda, the word “Amazzi” means WATER. For ROOTS to grow, they must have water. In water life flourishes, in water roots thrive, and ultimately roots can spread at an amazing speed. AmazziRoots is helping to raise awareness & funds to support water provision projects across the globe. 10% of all purchases will go directly to Blood:Water Mission, a grassroots organization that empowers communities to work together against the HIV/AIDS and water crises in East Africa.

Wear every AmazziRoots design with an understanding that you are a part of helping create positive change. Each item is uniquely designed with passion and love. Every piece is intended to inspire YOU to ask yourself — for what do I have drive and passion for? What can I do? What makes me THIRSTY?

With every item you purchase, remember that you become part of something bigger; you become part of this grassroots movement. Click to learn more about the amazing projects Blood: Water Mission is doing in East Africa.

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